

I’m sure we have all heard at some point that some piece of media was “evil’ or even “satanic”. This criticism can range from fantasy fiction to the horror genre. Heck, I’ve seen some people not allow their families to watch anything not considered “Christian media”. But if you are like me, these less valued genres are also some of your favorite genres of media. It can be annoying to hear your interests bashed or even censored by people using your belief to justify their opinions of it. Even if you do not believe these topics should be bashed at the hands of religion, the constant bashing of them can bring you ashamed to appreciate them. One of my resolutions for 2020 was to be more open about what I was interested in, and I can’t say I regret it at all. 

As you have noticed if you’ve been following this column for a while, I am very passionate about individuality and how God has made us all different and special. Our tastes in media or hobbies do not deter God’s love for us, whether you are watching VeggieTales or Good Omens. You don’t have to have the same opinions on media as someone to be a Christian. In my spare time I write fanfiction about horror games, and I don’t burn to an ash stain on the floor when I step in church on Sunday. I see God as a great artist who appreciates all media and arts, I mean, look at the Earth. Music, art, and writing don’t purely exist to bring glory to Them, but also for our enjoyment, that's why God shares Their art with us everyday. Being ashamed of our interests does nothing but stress us out, there's no need for added stress when you have exams coming up. So wear your merch and if anyone gets upset, that's their problem. 

Have a great day,



Harm by the Church


The Personalization of a Relationship with God