Psalm 127:2 & Hebrews 9:27-28

What feeling does this passage evoke for you? (Psalm 127:2)

This passage makes me feel a bit convicted. I am not the best at rest. I get up early and go to sleep late in the name of getting work done and maintaining relationships and being a functional human being and whatever other excuse I can find. Don't get me wrong, I like sleep, but I also struggle to believe I'm worthy of rest. This verse seems to challenge that though. For if sleep is granted to those God loves, and God loves everyone, then I am intrinsically worthy of the sleep I would deny myself. Perhaps I need to stop internalizing what grind culture, trauma, and capitalism say about a work/life balance and start practicing what God says about it.

- Sara 

What do you think we can learn about faith through this passage? (Hebrews 9:27-28) 

I have always struggled with implications of faith within text. The deeper connections. I can find emotions, I can picture what is happening, but ask me to find the connection of faith and all of a sudden I am lost. While thinking about this, I realized that this passage was exactly what I needed. What do I think we can learn about faith through this passage? I think we can learn that worrying about what the text says isn't the point. Whether I understand what the text says isn't the point. The point is love. Love for those around us. Love for those we hold close. Love for The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. That last one is what I believe we can learn. Even if we don't understand what the bible is telling us about faith, we know that Jesus died for us. We know that Jesus saved us. We know that Jesus loves us. And that is so important.

- Allison 


Psalm 113:1-4 & Mark 13:5-8


Job 42:4-6 & Psalm 34:4-5