Job 42:4-6 & Psalm 34:4-5

What feeling does this passage evoke for you? (Job 42:4-6)

This passage is short, but it also feels deeply profound to me. Job's story is one where everything he has is taken away, but he always finds some solace and comfort knowing that God loves him. His faith never waivers. Job said that he would find comfort on dust and ashes. He has nothing left, yet he is content. That is difficult to wrestling with in today's society because we are driven by our possessions. Job had nothing and was happy. Whereas we have the potential have everything but happiness.

- Neil 

What images come to mind for you when you read this passage? (Psalm 34:4-5) 

The images that come to mind when I read this text are the Lord hugging me like a mother loves a child or when the child was in a relationship and the relationship ended and they feel like they did something wrong and their parent just holds them in their arms until they feel this sense of comfort. I feel that God is the same way. I believe through this text, we are reminded that when life gets hard, when we turn to the Lord, we will find comfort.

- Reenard 


Psalm 127:2 & Hebrews 9:27-28


Psalm 104:24 & Hebrews 5:7-9