Psalm 104:24 & Hebrews 5:7-9

What do you think we can learn about faith through this passage? (Psalm 104:24)

I’m coming to learn that God’s work is slow by design. Within God’s wisdom is a commitment to an unhurried, intentional pace. God’s creative process isn’t interested in deadlines; not distracted by commercial interests. Beauty and intrinsic value matter more than aesthetic and usefulness. Nature and all of creation testifies to the character of the Master Creator!

- Derrick 

What images come to mind for you when you read this passage? (Hebrews 5:7-9) 

Hebrews 5:7-9 speak clearly of the humanity of Christ. I think many are comfortable speaking of the divinity of Jesus but speaking of Jesus’ humanity seems strange and uncomfortable. Yet, especially for the author of Hebrews, it's of utmost importance. The incarnation of the second person of the trinity is essential. Jesus being a truly human one, who has experienced the human life, even culminating in suffering and death, means he is a high priest, a sort of go between connecting God and man, who can sympathize with people because he knows what it is like to suffer. The author of Hebrews even goes as far as to say Jesus learned obedience, that is, in his humanity, he learned obedience through suffering as a son. This is truly amazing! This reminds me that I can truly trust Jesus because he knows my experience maybe even more fully than I know it myself. So I can trust him and can listen to him as he calls me, as he calls us, to himself, the source of life and eternal salvation.

- Michael 


Job 42:4-6 & Psalm 34:4-5


Job 23:8-9 & Hebrews 4:12