Job 23:8-9 & Hebrews 4:12

What emotions does this passage evoke for you? (Job 23:8-9)

This passage evokes an emotion that I have experienced. An emotion that makes my faith waver depending on the circumstances of my life. It evokes fear of being left alone. Sometimes when life is hard, God doesn't seem present and that scares me. I wonder if I did something wrong. I think about how I can fix it. But that's not the point. Even when you can't feel God's presence, he is there. Even if you haven't been given any signs, he is there. Reading passages such as this one is a good reminder that I am not alone. It shows me that others can sometimes feel lost. And that's okay. God is present.

- Allison 

What do you think we can learn about faith through this passage? (Hebrews 4:12) 

This verse from 4:12 comes after a long discussion on entering into God’s rest. This rest seems to be both a future reality being discussed, like an eternal rest with God, and something that can be experienced in some capacity in the here and now. And while the idea of rest may sound peaceful and serene, this very active and descriptive verse in verse 12 shows just how difficult it can be to remain in God’s rest. In terms of faith, we are not encouraged in this verse to adopt a blind faith and do what we are told. We are told that the word of God can be piercing, and so faith then must be ready for the ways that it can shape us. I liken this to something like therapy, which does us a lot of good, but can take us to places where we are wounded. How can we have a faith deep enough that allows God to speak and lead us in places where we are most in pain. When we allow this, we can find God’s rest, peace and hope that we need.

- Haley 


Psalm 104:24 & Hebrews 5:7-9


Psalm 25:16-17 & Hebrews 1:3