Psalm 113:1-4 & Mark 13:5-8

What do you think we can learn about faith through this passage? (Psalm 113:1-4)

From this passage, we can discern that praise is part of faith and we can know that recognizing the goodness of God is part of a healthy faith life. Sometimes the Psalms speak to the low points of faith - the dark spaces many of us shy away from. But at other times, like this one, they speak to the high points - when we're standing in the mountain staring into the sun surrounded my the presence of an ever-loving God.

- Sara 

What images come to mind for you when you read this passage? (Mark 13:5-8) 

This is a tough passage. When I read through it the first time, I was transported back to images of authoritarian church leaders discussing the end of times and the need for Jesus’ return. At the time, I did not ground this verse in its contact, as I trusted those leaders to do so, but since Jesus had not yet left earth yet in Mark 13, you can imagine my surprise that this verse is discussing the fall of the temple, an event that has happened at that we aren’t currently looking at “signs of the times” to predict. So, what can we learn from these images Jesus puts forth? I actually think that this text is speaking out against those who interpret the brokenness of the world as some evidence of God’s punishment or the World’s end. Jesus’ first words in this passage are to watch that you aren’t deceived. Which could also mean we should watch that our fears aren’t being preyed upon. God can be found in an uncertain world, and it usually isn’t in the noise of disaster and turmoil, but in quiet love and compassion being spoken in humble places. Maybe it is a message akin to Mr. Rogers’, “Look for the helpers.” Because those inciting fear, bringing violence or seeking power aren’t associated with God.

- Haley


Psalm 127:2 & Hebrews 9:27-28