Earth: Part 2

For this season of creation care, I looked into finding positions and movements to help preserve and protect the Earth that we all live on. Using the site, I was able to find many good petitions focused on preserving and aiding the planet in protection of wildlife and the fight against climate change along with preserving Native American land. I found that many of these topics are intertwined with each other. Much of the destruction of important Native American land is also tied to the preservation of wildlife and stopping major oil companies from stripping resources from an area.

 God made this land and its resources to be usable, but also to be preserved and respected. We cannot just barge onto any land and take without giving back to that same land. If land is so valuable with resources worth stealing, that land is more than worthy of protecting and preserving as well. My assigned scripture in my previous post was β€œThe one who guards a fig tree will eat its fruit, and whoever protects their master will be honored.” (Proverbs 27:18 NIV). What I have found through this is the reassurance in how God wants us to preserve all of Their creation and its beauty and resources. Every time we lose land to corporations and greed, we lose some of the beauty that was put under our protection. We are losing nature faster than we are gaining it and once it is gone, it's gone. We, as the ones blessed enough to have this Earth, should do everything we can to preserve it and protect it, even from ourselves. If you would like to help and speak up for the land in danger, there is a wide range of petitions on, all they need is your signature. 


Change is Hard: Part 2