Change is Hard: Part 2

I love takeout. It’s easy. I know it will be warm. If I buy from places I know, then I know it will be good. 

That was my challenge to myself. I often found myself meal prepping and then not wanting the food I made. I would order takeout, and then by the end of the week, my meal-prepped food was spoiled. 

I challenged myself to change this habit. To prepare food that I wanted to eat and stop ordering takeout. To take away the wasted food and the plastic waste created when you order takeout. 

I did that.

Sort of. 

I did what I could to do that.

Changing a habit is hard. Doing it in an instant is even harder. I found the change of stopping myself from eating takeout immediately hard.

I managed to eat my prepared food every night but one.

There was one stressful day that ruined my streak.

But I still think I did okay.

I went from eating takeout three to four times a week to once in two weeks. That was big for me. 

It did considerably cut down on my own waste. Food and plastic. 

The waste did exist though. I still had more waste than I could have had. 

I considered creation.

I considered the Earth and everything on it.

I considered my friends, my family, my animals, and my plants.

I considered your friends, your family, your animals, and your plants.

I considered creation and did better than before.

We are not perfect. We can try to be, but we aren’t. Living up to that standard is hard on the soul.

I still improved. I still looked at the world and everything in it. The world that God created. 

And I considered it.

I considered it for God because He has helped me be who I am today. He has watched over me. He has watched over everyone and everything I care for.

I considered creation for everyone and everything I cared for.

I considered creation for everyone and everything because even if something doesn’t matter to me, it matters to someone else.

I believe that God wants us to not only consider creation but to consider why we consider creation.

I consider creation because creation is beautiful. Creation is magical. 

I consider creation because creation is everything and everyone that I care about. 

I consider creation because I want to continue to explore this beautiful and magical world that we call Earth.

Not considering creation makes that hard.

If I can do one small part by omitting some of the unnecessary food waste in my life, then I will.

What can you do to consider creation?


Earth: Part 2


To Care For: Part 2