
I have always liked challenges. I have friends who have pointed out that I will turn anything they say into one. When asked if I wanted to write a blogpost about Epiphany, I said yes because it felt like a challenge. 

Until a few years ago, I didn’t even know what Epiphany was. I grew up knowing who God was but never really going to church. I started regularly attending church when I was a freshman in high school. I was baptized in a Southern Baptist church the day after I turned 18. 

Yet here I was at 23, unsure of what Epiphany is. 

It turns out that I wasn’t being led to follow Christ using the Christian year. It turns out that my Southern Baptist church didn’t do that. And that’s definitely okay, but I love learning.

One of my favorite aspects of CCW is the fact that your denomination, or lack of one, doesn’t matter. CCW is open to anyone, and because of this, I am learning more about Christianity than I ever have. 

I am learning new things about many holy holidays that I have never celebrated before, and for that, I am thankful for the experiences given to me by CCW.

What is Epiphany?

Epiphany, typically celebrated on January 6th, is the day that the wise men see Jesus for the first time. It’s the day that they proclaim Jesus to be God.


But what does Epiphany mean to me?

To me, Epiphany is the reminder of what God did for me. Twelve days before Epiphany, Jesus is born and God gives us His only son. God loved the world that He made so much that He gave us Jesus. God loves me so much, even before I was born, that he gave me Jesus. 

To me, Epiphany is the reminder of what Jesus did for me.


Ash Wednesday

