
For years, I participated in Christmas Eve services that included the lighting of the Christ candle. The moment that large center white pillar candle was lit, I knew Advent was over and well, Christmas too in a sense. At least the “spiritual” part of Christmas was over. You see, I wasn’t raised to understand the Christian year and even when I started observing Advent, I was completely unaware that historically, Christmas was more than a couple of days. So after Christmas Eve service, I assumed sacred stuff was done and off right presents, food and naps. I’ve learned a few things - no, a lot of things since then.

I’ve learned that Christmastide is the season that underscores the 12 days of Christmas song. I’ve come to understand that just as the fasting of Lent leads to the feasting of Eastertide, the reflection of Christ’s Advent invites us into an extended celebration of his birth. And after the year we’ve all had with the pandemic, racial tension and political chaos, I think it is most appropriate to transition into the new calendar year with faith-filled joy. I am determined to celebrate Christmastide this year.

So when Pastor Steve lit the Christ candle this year at Christmas Eve worship, it was for me the beginning of a celebration. It included extra reading and sharing on social media, and also raising a glass nightly to old saints. I’ve chosen to eat food that makes me happy and watched hours of Netflix and Hulu without guilt. This is how I get my party on! Your celebration will probably look different, but I invite you to consider leaning into the sacred celebration of Christmastide. If for no other reason but to honor all that we’ve been given in the birth of Jesus Christ!




Advent: Peace