Psalm 124:6-8 & James 5:13-15

What feeling does this passage evoke for you? (Psalm 124:6-8)

I tend to lean towards the emotions of every Bible verse. To me, the main takeaway of these verses involves God's protection of us. They portray the feelings of being safe and secure which is not something that we always feel. I think passages like this one are a good reminder of what we have when we feel unprotected and unsafe. It is a reminder of God's presence in our lives. It is a reminder of those safe and secure feelings. It is something that I often struggle with at a time when I need it the most. 

- Allison 

What images come to mind when you read this passage? (James 5:13-15) 

For me, the images that come to mind when I read this passage are vivid - and not in a good way. I grew up in a church that took this verse literally and dialed it up a few notches. They would lay hands on you and anoint you with oil and pray over you - sometimes because you asked, but also when you didn’t. I can see moments where people were brought great comfort by these actions, but I can also see myself and others being deeply uncomfortable in them because I did not want to be ministered to in this way. And so, these verses, while they hold beauty, hold pain and a reminder to use caution and ask for consent in all - even the best intended - of actions. 

- Sara 


Psalm 25:16-17 & Hebrews 1:3