things to do while waiting for your crush to text you 

  1. Post a selfie on your Insta story- remind them of how absolutely adorable you are.

  2. Complain to whoever is nearest, interrupt them when they tell you that you should just send the first message.

  3. Play a song that reminds you of them, dance really hard.

  4. Play a song that reminds you of you, dance even harder.

  5. Text your friends photos of the sky, make sure they don’t miss it.

  6. Breath deep and with intention. You’ll probably still check your notifications, throughout the meditation, just in case. And that’s okay. Find your breath when you’re done.

  7. Look up online shadow work worksheets, and start making peace!

  8. Shuffle tarot cards, but don’t ask about them. Don’t ask, because you don’t have to. Everything that is meant to be, will be. 

  9. Remember, again. Everything that is meant to be, will be. And everything that means, is. So, there is no need to wait. Only to experience this very present gift of a moment. And then the next moment, when it comes. And then, suddenly, your phone flashes, and your smile grows. And you hold this gift too. And you hold it with the other gifts you’ve collected as well. And when the day is over, look- look, at how generous the day has been.


love looks


things to take that are not your life