About Talking To Professors
“Always check your syllabus and any announcements first, but if you need help and can't find the answer then turn to the professor. Their emails are always open and they have office hours for a reason. Professors are there for you. They are there to help you achieve. Talking to them seemed so scary at first, but the more I did it the easier it got. Asking questions also helped me get to know my professors more and that made talking to them easier.”
- Allison, BA
“Professors are human too. Building good relationships, then, starts with this understanding and respecting them as such. Stay in communication as soon as you feel you are struggling. I’ve experienced that Professors may help you out by providing extensions, extra credit, or resources so you can succeed. And they tend to be much more generous with these if they know about it before the deadline, then sending an email after the deadline. Utilizing office hours is one way to build this communication, but email works as well. However, waiting around after class to ask something “real quick” is not the best time to fully connect and get the type of answers you might need. Unless it is a quick “I didn’t catch that [name/date/quick fact],” you will want to allot the time for a later conversation. Office hours may also be a good time to get to know your professors more personally, especially as you consider pursuing higher education or a career field that requires academic references for the future.”
- Haley, M. Div.
“My advice about talking to professors? Talk to your professors. If you have an emergency - email them ASAP. If you have a question - ask them. If you’re planning to go to grad school and will need letters of recommendation - visit their office hours and get to know them and let them get to know you. Even if you aren’t planning on go to grad school, get to know your professors - plans change, professors have jobs to offer, and having a relationship with your professors makes navigating emergencies easier. Professors generally want to help you and see you succeed, but you have to be active in this success too.”
- Sara, BA