Self-expression and Individuality in the Church

Hi friends, I hope you are all well.

Self-expression is something that is very important to me. Though I am not defined by how I present myself, I find it is not only fun but an important part of my character. I had a conversation with a woman at a church before COVID, and I told her that I believed God made us all unique and that we shouldn’t hide what makes us special, to which she responded, “That is true, however we should be careful not to be too much of our self that God doesn’t love”. That baffled me. I do not believe that sin is part of who we are as unique individuals. We are God’s creation and God does not create us with sin, sin is something that we do, it is not a part of us. The idea that there is something in my individuality, my God designed self, that God would not love - that God would not love me if I were to be my true self - that disturbed me. It disturbed me that someone might think like that about me or themself.

 I grew up watching VeggieTales and every episode ended with a cucumber and tomato telling me “God made you special and He loves you very much”. I am very aware that VeggieTales is not scripture, but that line may as well be for me. If God made us special in Their image, why would we not try our best to be our most authentic self? Why would we not shine as who we know we are in our hearts? So that's why I choose to dress in whatever way I desire, not just for myself, but as a statement to those around me that I will not waver in my authenticity and neither should they.

Stay you,



Others Being Aggravated at Criticism of the Church


RBYT: Part 2