Change is Hard: Part 1

Consider creation.

Consider the Earth and everything on it.

Consider your friends, your family, your animals, and your plants.

Consider the future of the Earth.

I have been trying to consider creation for quite some time.

But it's hard.

Usually, when something seems challenging to me, I have a fight or flight response. Picking between the fight or flight responses depends on what that something is worth. 

Changing the way I do things and the way I was taught to do things is hard, but important.

I've given up several times. I picked flight. I can’t do that anymore. This is too important. 

When thinking about what I wanted to do to better myself and better the Earth, I struggled. 

What could I do that wouldn't take too much time out of my day? What could I do that was easy?

I realized I was focusing on the wrong thing. I needed to focus on what I could do to help the Earth. Big or small. I started to focus and find the thing that bugs me the most about my life.

I claim to be someone who meal preps. 

And I am.

But I don't always eat the way I should after I meal prep. I'll have a long day at work and crave the junk food that I tend to keep out of the house. I end up ordering takeout. I do this a couple of times a week.

This ultimately ends with a large amount of plastic waste from the takeout containers and wasted food from my meal prep that I didn't eat. 

This is my challenge for the next two weeks (and hopefully after). I will meal prep, eat it, and avoid takeout. 

This starts with eating the food I already have. During the first week, I am going to challenge myself to eat only what I have in my house. All of the food that I have been avoiding and could possibly be going bad. During the second week, I will allow myself to grocery shop but only for what I truly need. I am going to meal prep both weeks and stick to it.

The Earth deserves this. Creation deserves this. 

It is such a small part, but it means something. Minimizing waste means something. 

I have been creating too much waste.

What I am doing means something. What you are doing means something. Big or small. It means something.

Let’s do the thing!


Earth: Part 1


To Care For: Part 1