Day 7 'Why We Gather' | Week of Welcome Devotional

 Day 7: Why We GatherBy the time I was 18, I could count only a handful of Sundays that I wasn't in church. In my family, we would find a church to attend if our vacation schedule kept us from getting back home in time for services. So it wasn't a surprise that I was tempted to skip the first Sunday of the semester (and every single semester).  Years later, Sundays are still a struggle - especially in the midst of great change or high stress deadlines.Why are Sundays hard? 'Cause I'm busy for one, and it would be nice to not have to be somewhere first thing in the morning. Sundays can be hard at the beginning of the semester as it might be the only Sunday you'll be free to not study and do homework. And Sundays can be super hard if you don't have a familiar congregation close by or no one you know to meet when you get there.As I reflect on my issues with Sundays, I can hear my old Sunday School teacher right now shaking her finger at me and repeating these words from scripture:

“Don’t stop meeting together with other believers, which some people have gotten into the habit of doing. Instead, encourage each other, especially as you see the day drawing near.”- Hebrews 10:25 CEB

I'll admit that being with a faith community on Sundays doesn't always make the most logical sense, but it almost always makes spiritual and emotional sense. I think that's what the writer of Hebrews and my Sunday school teacher were trying to say. There is something that Sundays in church give us that we can't get anywhere else. The sacrifice of getting up on Sundays and finding the faith community that works for us is nothing compared to the gift that awaits us.With that said, the day we gather isn't the point. For instance, CCW meets on Sunday nights for Flagler, Monday nights at JU and Wednesday nights at UNF. Our gatherings look different compared to most church settings. And Sundays aren't exactly the same as other days of the week. But it's the same Spirit that brings us together and makes us one in Jesus. In a sense, CCW is church on campus for the sake of the campus. We may not gather on Sunday, but we still gather. I hope you'll consider joining us at a gathering this week. And if not us, I hope you'll give Sunday at some church one more chance. It might be the best decision you make this week.


Day 8 'Get it Together' | Week of Welcome Devotional


Day 6 'The Land of The Living' | Week of Welcome Devotional