Why We Sing | How He Loves

I have loved the song "How He Loves" for as long as I can remember. I just get such a feeling of peace wash over me whenever I hear it. We know that God loves us, but sometimes it’s easy to forget the magnitude of God’s love for us.

"He is jealous for meloves like a hurricaneI am a tree bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy."

I think this metaphor is especially meaningful after the bad hurricanes we’ve had recently. Hurricanes Irma and Maria destroyed so much along their paths. To imagine that same amount of power, but with an aim of love and mercy instead of destruction, is incredible.

"If His grace is an ocean, we’re all sinking."

This is another really great metaphor about the magnitude of God’s grace. His kindness and love toward us is so vast that if it were an ocean, it would cover the whole earth and more.

"My heart turns violently inside of my chest I don’t have time to maintain these regrets when I think about the way that He loves us."

These verses wrap up the message of this song in a really beautiful way. Previously, how large and vast and unending God’s love, kindness, and mercy for us are has been stated. In response to that, these verses tell us that no matter what we do and despite any regrets that we may have, God is there. God will love us through anything and everything that we face in life. He is there in the ups and downs, when we feel satisfied and when were lonely, through healing and pain, God is always going to be there with us and loving us.That message is why How He Loves brings me such warmth and peace whenever I hear it.


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Living in Color: Finding Rest