sexuality and religion

To my sister who asked me on my thoughts about, “sexuality and religion”,

I was gifted a book, “Radical Love” by Patrick S. Cheng, by my companion about a month ago. The text is described as an introduction to queer theology, where Cheng reconciles scripture and non-heteronormative relationships, in his attempt to justify God as LGBTQ+ affirming. I was given this because of my own hard questions- my own wrestlings with the Bible and old Baptist Sunday school teachings from my younger years. 

Despite the relevance of “Radical Love”, today was the first day I opened its pages. And not because I was ready to do a deep dive into theological deconstruction. But, rather, because I wanted to have answers for you. 

I wanted this post to be the end-all-be-all to any “what does God think about my sexuality?” questions, wondered so often by my LGBTQ+ siblings. I wanted to come to you, with scriptures and cultural contexts and deciphering of the Hebrew language, all as proof and convincings that heterosexuality is not criteria for the welcoming of God. I wanted to have answers for you.

But then, I realized that you weren’t actually asking me about my thoughts on “sexuality and religion.” I mean. I know that’s what you said. And I’ve said it too, so I get it. But underneath those words- underneath the “what does God think about my sexuality?” is really another question,

“What does God think of me?”

And under this, is also

“Am I still loved?”

“Am I still loved though I look different? Though I, myself, love different? Am I still loved though I was born Jacob and now am called Jane? Am I still loved though I loved a Jacob and now love a Jane? Am I still loved though I love them both- both at once, Jacob and Jane? Am I still loved?”

And this, my friend- my sister, is something I have the answer to.

You are Loved. You are Love embodied. There is no where you are, that Love is not. And so, every where that you are, Love is present. Your identity is in that you are Loved- in that you are Held. You are Held with a resounding yes and amen. Held with force and with gentleness. Held in community and in wilderness. Held in your queerness and in every part of you that the world labels as other- you are Held.

So breathe easy, walk on feathers. You are welcome here. This space is yours to take up. You don’t need permission to be in it. To dance in it, or cry in it, or laugh in it, or grieve in it. It’s yours to live in as you please.

So take it.

It’s waiting for you. Good, good things are waiting for you.

