Red Moon Rising

Hey there, 

Welcome to my thoughts. You have now entered Aziza’s brain. Excuse the clutter, it’s part of the aesthetic. Photos allowed, but only if they’re for memory and not for post.

So, let’s jump in. Red Moon Rising, written by Pete Greig and Dave Roberts, is the hot talk of blog today. This book walks readers through the unfolding of a prayer. It emphasizes the power, and sovereignty of God in the story of a man, while simultaneously in the story of so many others-tying it all together, with one giant ribbon of heartache.

Interestingly enough, even as someone like myself- by this I mean, someone who speaks to her angels and practices moon rituals and hoards an uncomfortable amount of rocks- I still approached this book with a sense of disbelief. I entered with a posture of skepticism, that something, or anything of any semblance of this grandiose could arise from prayer.

Prayer is a strange idea, isn’t it? 

I’m currently at a coffee shop, where the table near me is discussing prayer. They’re reflecting on how difficult it is to pray when life isn’t particularly difficult itself. This seems to be the common experience with prayer- that it is a firm tool to hold to in chaos, but easy to forget in bliss. I mean, how many of us- us, as in the collective, not just in spiritual spaces- have turned to prayer as a last resort? I’d argue everyone. I’d bet my last dollar that everyone, everyone at least once, in a period of distress has turned outside of themselves and asked for supernatural help. 

And what does this say, that even those who don’t necessarily participate in faith practice, can be driven to a point of prayer?

There has to be something to it, right? Like, there’s no other explanation to me than that there has to be something tangible to this unseen activity that it draws us in so instinctively. 

And Red Moon Rising is proof of this- of the power of prayer. It recounts the moments where people, in human desperation, have seen the cut-off of their abilities and looked to Other. It recounts these tender moments, and it recounts the layered response of God to God’s people.

Red Moon Rising is a place to have your heart filled, and encouraged. It is a place where faith and conversation is renewed.

Find Good there.


Active Faith Discussion: Part 2