introduction to rewriting evangelism


What is it? Most people know it as faith-sharing. However, the word evangelism has many different meanings to many different people. While some may think of the word in a positive light, others can find it triggering. 

Our vision for this semester, is to take a walk down Romans Road. We plan to journey through scripture commonly used to evangelize to non-Christians. We recognize that evangelism to some of you may have more of a negative connotation rather than a positive one. And especially for those of you, we want to confront the uncomfortable ways scripture has been used to harm. But we still hope to find beauty in evangelism- to take this word and twist it into a modern way to connect with others.

While we will be discussing evangelism, we are going to use other phrases and synonyms to describe faith-sharing and preaching the gospel to others. During this series, we will be commenting on scriptures that are used to evangelize, while also sharing some of our personal testimonies with you via written blog posts and vlogs. By the end of this series, we hope that you will want to share your stories with us too! 

While our version of connecting is meeting you where you are, we hope that you’ll take the time to help us walk with you forward. This semester we have a few events currently in the works. We’ll be planning opportunities to hang out with us-in-person and offline- to create intimacy at a deeper level. While we are an online platform, we value the community that we have in each of you who take the time to read this, and we hope to further that connection throughout this semester. 

So bear with us. It’s going to be vulnerable, deep, and honest. We hope you’ll join us!


romans road: you are good