Day 83 | Zak Calloway

These two Psalms seem to document a time in Davids life where obstacles are all around him and the only option available to him is to call to God. Throughout this study we constantly find David and the writers displaying the widest range of emotion. From victory and praise to fear and insecurity, the Psalms seem to display a fairly complete picture of humans range in emotion.

During a conversation with leadership, a lot of us got talking on miracles and answered and unanswered prayers. It's a hard topic to tackle but the diverse opinions that were voiced seemed both hesitant and also expectant. Seems to paint a good picture of somebody's entire life's relationship with God, yeh? Trying to balance the power of claiming Gods movements while also having our human doubt.What I want to ask today is what would it look like if you called out to God and asked for deliverance the same way David does? With an honest, pure heart and a need and expectation for God to pull through. With a posture of claiming Gods miraculous work that he does daily.