Day 80 | Gabriele Hickman

"Now that I think about it, when they were walking in the desert, I did get some 'Ashirra l'adonai' vibes." My friends and I had just finished watching War of the Planet of the Apes, and they were telling me that it was the story of Moses, which at first I didn't see at all. But it is, friends. It really is. And so are a lot of films, which led us to conclude that the story of Moses is basically the greatest story of all time.Every day since watching the film, I've played the soundtrack to The Prince of Egypt in my car. There's more emotional residue in this soundtrack than the torturous humility that comes with listening to The Hunchback of Notre Dame.It is a story that starts with "Deliver Us" and ends with "There Can Be Miracles," a story that starts with intense suffering and anxiety Yal-di ha-tov veh ha-rach Al ti-ra veh al tif-chad (my good and tender son, don't be frightened and don't be scared)  and ends with great praise and triumph Na-chi-tah v'-chas-d'-cha am zu ga-al-ta (In Your Love, You lead the people You redeemed). These Psalms recall the story of Moses and all of the brilliance that it was. In exposing His imperishable love to His people, God became the author of the greatest story of all time.God's love creates stories with narrative arcs that are remembered for centuries. His power and love and riches are so vast that it is impossible for it to be given without consequence.In the seventh verse of 135, it says that God releases the wind from his storehouses. If I'm correct in this, the storehouse was the place where God wanted the tithe to go. So with that image in mind, I see God's storehouse as the place where he holds all of his riches. In Deuteronomy 28:12, it says that "the Lord will open for you His good storehouse, the heavens, to give rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hand." God's storehouse is the heavens. We give God what little we have on earth and in return he gives us the heavens. I don't claim to know anything about God, but I do say with confidence that if heavens open for you, you're bound to have a story to share.And share it we must! I like to think of my life as a story. It may start with Deliver Us. It may start with Al ti-ra veh al tif-chad. But when the winds are released from God's storehouse, I'll be walking around with Ashirra l'adonai vibes. Every single piece, from the fear to the freedom, is important in exposing God's imperishable love to His people. Praying for y'all. I'm so grateful that our stories intertwine. 


Day 81 | Cameron Garrett


Day 79 | Troi Buchanan