Day 61 | Troi Buchanan

Psalm 107Context…because ya’ll know I love context :). Psalm 107 is the first chapter of “Book Five” of the Psalms. The prevailing theme of Book Five is the people of Israel returning to their home from a time of exile. Which for some of them was literal, actually returning back to Israel from a foreign land. But for all of them is metaphorical, returning back to Yahweh after a season of being lost, adrift, not at home. So for most of 107 The Psalmist is describing different ways that Yahweh has lead His people home. Rescued from the desert, the prison, the ocean, and so forth.Psalm 107

4 Some drifted around in the desert and found no place where they could live. 5 Their bellies growled with hunger; their mouths were dry with thirst; their souls grew weak and weary. 6 In their distress, they called out to the Eternal, and He saved them from their misery. 7 He showed them the best path; then He led them down the right road until they arrived at an inhabited town. 8 May they erupt with praise and give thanks to the Eternal in honor of His loyal love And all the wonders He has performed for humankind!

This week for our Psalm posts we’re connecting our Psalm thoughts with a music video. I chose the song “Home” by Johnnyswim.[embed][/embed]I love this song, and as I read through this week’s Psalm it came right to mind.We're all bruised and beaten.Lost on account of many reasons.But only love would make you understand.Just go home.You need you some home.Oh you need you some home.How good is it that our God calls us home? And not only calls us, but moves earth and sea to make a way for us.Psalm 107

1 Erupt with thanks to the Eternal, for He is good and His loyal love lasts forever. 2 Let all those redeemed by the Eternal— those rescued from times of deep trouble—join in giving thanks. 3 He has gathered them across the earth, from east and west, from north and south.


Day 62 | Cameron Garrett


Day 60 | Sydney Buchanan