Day 39 | Charly Adams

Psalm 69 starts with this plea from David. He pretty much says he feels like he's drowning. That, I think, is a pretty relatable concept for a lot of us whatever it is we're drowning in.
This picture is an accurate outward representation of my inner world when I'm in one of this places where I'm drowning. Back story, I was at call for a show and had arrived late to several things I didn't know I needed to do prior to getting ready, so I felt fairly overwhelmed and one of my friends said “you look cute take a picture.” That's what came out. That was a lot of situational drowning, but this has remained accurate to when I've got emotional drowning or thought drowning or I feel like the world is out to get me.This is clearly something David is feeling and, thanks to this Psalm, also something we know we're allowed to pray about. But Psalm 69:36 closes this out with a little comfort that I'm trying to take as guidance. I work really hard in life to be strong and control everything, but David says “The descendants of His servants will inherit [God's city for his people]” (Psalm 68:36a AMP). This is pretty close to the meek will inherit the earth. If we're serving God, we have not spent our whole lives taking matters into our own hands, so we've all got varying degrees of meekness. Acknowledging this lets us focus less on being in control which could lower our drowning moments by giving them to God.
Convoluted, and I'm sorry I didn't cover 68. I just want to pull out this verse since there are often discussions of who is God.
“Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign Lord comes escape from death.”
Psalm 68:20 NIV

Day 40 | Zak Calloway


Day 38 | Cameron Garrett