Day 35 | Sydney Buchanan

 WARNING:The following text has been written by a natural FEELER, NOT a natural THINKER.Psalm 60The beginning of this Psalm speaks to a feeling of abandonment that I believe many of us have struggled with in times when we feel defeated by the “enemy” or by our circumstances. Yet, then it reminds us that the Lord is our refuge still.

“4 You have set up a banner for those who fear you, that they may flee to it from the bow. 5 That your beloved ones may be delivered.”

I relate to this Psalm because I personally have experienced seasons of frustration that God won’t just deliver me from my anxieties, fears, and flaws. I’ll pray things like, “God why can’t this be easy? Why can’t you just win the battle for me?” But God has won and will continue to show that his love is victorious. It is okay to be frustrated at the battle, but it is important to remain hopeful that God is fighting with us and for us.

“12 With God we shall do valiantly; it is he who will tread down our foes.”

Psalm 61

“3 from the end of the earth I call to you when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I…”

This Psalm reminded me that there is strength found in our weakness and courage found in our surrender. When I think of the vows I made to the Lord, I think of the promises I made to do his work in the world. When I do God’s work, I feel as if I am truly living my vows. However, there are days when I am weak, faint, and discouraged; am I not capable of living my vows when I feel I have nothing to offer? I believe that even at our weakest, our song can still rise to the Lord. Sometimes living out our vows we made to the Jesus looks like us taking care of the poor, but sometimes it looks like us calling his name for help and seeking refuge in his love. It takes strength and courage to do both; living our vows and lifting our song can look different and still be equally valid.

“8 So will I ever sing praises to your name, as I perform my vows day after day.”


Day 36 | Troi Buchanan


Day 34 | Austin Davis