Day 21 | Zak Calloway

Psalm 37 immediately speaks to me in verses 1-6.
"Don't be upset because of sinful people. Don't be jealous of those who do wrong."
Man. If this isn't applicable to our world today, I don't know what is. We see our world falling apart due to injustice and evil and it makes you feel incredibly vulnerable.
However, David offers encouragement:
"Like grass they will soon dry up. Like green plants, they will soon die. Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live in the land and enjoy its food."
David reminds us of the authority and finality that God and time have while also instructing us to "stay in our own lane." It's so easy to look at others and wonder when God will catch up with them but David offers a different state of mind:
"Commit your life to the Lord. Here is what he will do if you trust in him. He will make your godly ways shine like the dawn. He will make your honest life shine like the sun at noon."
A few months ago, Gabi and I debated on simple definitions of integrity, character and authenticity (correct me if I'm wrong Gabi lol), and these verses remind me of a recurring thought during our convo. Authenticity challenges us to be true to ourselves and integrity makes your character known to the world. David isn't disregarding the injustice in our world, but rather shifting the importance on all the strife and pain to the beauty God can shine through you. Hope you find that encouraging!

Day 22 | Troi Buchanan


Day 19 | Claire Backus