Day 15 | Troi Buchanan

I invite you to read Psalm 27 the way I read it this week. Give yourself 10 minutes of quiet; no phone, no tv, no distraction.Read it through one time, slowly.Next, identify what is your “enemy” in this season of your life. For me in this season, it’s my self-doubt. That small voice that underlines my every thought and action that tells me that I’m not good enough, not qualified enough, not loved enough. Meditate on what that enemy is. Stare at it straight in the face.Now, read the psalm again, but this time whenever there is a reference about David’s “enemies” or “adversaries” replace it with your enemy.Let David’s words send us off today with a fresh sense of hope and confidence, with a renewed sense of trust in the process and the journey that the Lord has us on.

Psalm 27:13 I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! 14 Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord! 


Day 16 | Gabriele Hickman


Day 14 | Zak Calloway