Trinity Sunday

On Trinity Sunday, we honor The Holy Trinity.

We honor The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.

But why do we celebrate Trinity Sunday?

What are we learning? What’s the point?

On Trinity Sunday, we praise them. We give them glory. We remember our Creator, our Savior, and our Comforter.

We consider The Holy Trinity and how we can model it within our own lives. After all, there is nothing else that can be three and one all at the same time. How cool is that? The Holy Trinity is uniquely united in a beautiful way. They are one. We should strive to be as close to that as possible.

The Bible tells us that all Christians are united. That the Church is one. 

We try to be but yet, we aren't. Churches split, denominations vary, and people are left out, forgotten, and unwanted. 

I believe that Trinity Sunday is a reminder. A reminder of everything The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit have done to help us. Everything that they have done together. 

A reminder of a church where all are welcome at the table. Something we should always be striving for. After all, how can we be one while being unwelcoming? Unloving? Not inclusive?

I believe the purpose of Trinity Sunday is to remind us of the love of three who are one, is to praise them and give them glory for everything they have given us, and to remind us to strive to act as one.


Ordinary Time


Aldersgate Day