
I’ll be honest: I am both excited and terrified for Lent this year. 

Lent  is a season of preparation and lament - a season where we acknowledge the harm we have done and ask how we can do good instead. It is a season where we seek to recognize the things that distract us, the privileges that we have, and how we are connected to all of creation. It invites us to grieve for ourselves and the world. It asks us to consider ourselves as individuals and to consider the systems of the world - it calls us to care on micro, mezzo, and macro levels.  

As I consider all of this, I feel God calling me to a Lenten season of preparation for a year of thoughtful consideration and intentional being. I hear God asking me to give up something to focus on something else so that I might be more equipped for the work ahead. I know I’m being vague - it’s intentional - I promise you’ll all know more soon. But know that I am both terrified and excited for this road ahead. It’s a road we’ve all walked or will walk at some point - a road full of possibilities, but also full of sacrifices. A road of wilderness and wonder - a road that Abraham and Moses and Esther and Isaiah and Mary and Jesus and so many other biblical figures have walked. A road that - though it may look lonely - is well-traveled. A road that has the power to transform us, but only if we let it. 

This year during Lent, I hope you take whatever road God is calling you to. I hope that you say yes to your journey. I hope that you allow your eyes to be opened and your whole being to be transformed. I hope that you wander into the wonder of all this life can be - for the sake of yourself and your journey, but also for the sake of the world. 


Holy Week


Ash Wednesday