Ash Wednesday - Mortality’s Invitation to Life

Genesis 2:7 “Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being.” Genesis 3:19 “…you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

Hello! And welcome to the season of Lent. Now, no need to wipe the smile off your face at the mention of Lent; your joy, gratitude, pleasure, and delight are still welcome here, despite what you may have been told in the past.

In the Christian tradition, Lent is a time of reflection and repentance as we prepare for the hope and joy of Easter. And today is the day we begin our journey.

All journeys have to start somewhere, and we begin this one by remembering our place in the grand scheme of things (that we are from dust and to dust we shall return) and by recalling who we are following on this journey (the one, the only—Jesus). Now, I know I said you could bring your joy with you on this journey, which I realize might be difficult to square with the whole dust to dust thing and this invitation to affirm the reality of your own mortality.

However, there is a LOT of life that can happen in between those dusty bookends. The invitation this Lenten season is to allow that awareness of our mortality to move us into a deeper experience of our everyday lives. Sure, maybe an awareness of our mortality evokes a sense of fear (a reasonable response!), but it can also serve as an invitation to focus on experiencing the here and now with a posture of openness and gratitude.

In moments of overwhelm (or, perhaps more accurately and honestly, in this *season* of overwhelm), I’ve been trying to tap into my senses more as a way of grounding myself in what’s real and present alongside me. (You can read more about this technique here.) During this series, we’ll be using our senses (the big five, plus two bonus ones) to explore scripture and the Lenten journey together. The hope? That we find ourselves better connected to our own selves, to the world around us, and to God.

So, repent and believe the gospel—that the Creator of the universe walked alongside us in Jesus, who made a way for all to experience freedom, love, and peace, and that that same God remains with us today in the Holy Spirit.


Invitation: With the world as it is right now, there’s a chance you’ve actually been thinking about and have been confronted by death a LOT recently. In a way that feels healthy wherever you are right now, consider your own mortality. Or, simply stop to take a moment to breathe, and feel that breath move through your body.


Prayer: Holy God, open unto me today and throughout this journey the opportunity and ability to sense and experience myself, the world, and you, anew.


First Sunday in Lent - Sight