how to cry pt.2

how to cry pt.2

This is a dangerous thing.

Each emotion comes with a needed-response. To respond correctly, is not only unhelpful, but also risks agitating the emotion even further. 

Think about it. If I have a problem with my brakes, what sense does it make to change my oil? Or if I have difficulty waking up, why would I take melatonin first thing?

So, how do we give our emotions what they’re asking for? 

First comes the understanding that our emotions aren’t speaking another language. They exist within our beings, they speak what we speak. Also, our emotions gain nothing by being poor communicators. And if that’s the case, then where is the disconnect? Where are we getting it wrong?

This takes me back to my earlier point; that we need to identify our emotions, and their roots. But also, this cannot be done at a distance. This kind of work only happens when we begin the journey of stepping towards those swirling weights in our chest, and heads, and bellies.

And if you’re scared? Yeah. It’s scary stuff. It is really scary seeing ourselves that way. It’s jarring to explore the parts of self, that are just mountains of unhealed wounds. 

But that’s the only way we figure out what they’re saying. You can’t hear anything if you’re far enough. And it’s only in the brave walk to that center, that we learn the names of the pieces of our hearts. And then, we learn what they are wanting. And then, we learn that what they’re wanting, we’ve already given it to them in our willingness to be closer. In our willingness to humanize ourselves. 

And I believe that when we move towards ourselves, even in the hardship of it, we always find humanness. Not humanness in the way we’ve made it out to be, toxic and inconsiderate and unkind. But humanness in its true way, resilient and soft and hoping. What a beautiful thing this humanness is.

What a beautiful thing you are.


my ex says pt. 1


how to cry pt.1