About Registering For Classes
What do you wish you’d known about registering for classes when you were a new student?
“Registering for classes is one of the most fundamental things that a college student has to do, but it's importance often gets overlooked. Crafting a schedule that works for you is an unsung art. Emotions and energy level during a semester can depend greatly on the class schedule. Consecutive classes seem nice on paper, especially if they're in the same room, but during finals, consecutive classes can be tricky to study for.”
- Neil, College Senior
“Registration was such a great feeling for me every semester because it represented fresh opportunities. So, often when I was choosing my class schedule, I made it based on some idealized version of myself that didn’t exist. I had to learn the hard way what worked best for me, and it may take others a few semesters to figure that out. For me, I found that the real version of me was not an ambitious morning person who loved classes at 8 am. Nor was I productive on my “days off” if I crammed all of my schedule on two days per week. What did work best was having classes starting in the late morning, and spreading them out across the week. I also found that the right professor could make all the difference. You’ll figure out what works best for you, so long as you are in touch with who you really are and what your learning needs are.“
- Haley, M. Div.
“Definitely make sure to check out the reviews for different professors. There are websites where people who’ve taken the professors before can rate them, and some institutions make their internal course surveys and grade distributions available for review. This is super helpful when you’re a new student and don’t want to accidentally take a class with someone who isn’t going to provide you with the kind of support you need to do your best in the class.“
- Sara, BA